Passive Solar Architecture

Pocket Reference

Authors: Ken Haggard, David A. Bainbridge and Rachel Aljilani


This is one pocket reference in a series produced by the International Solar Energy Society. This pocket reference book provides a wealth of practical information at your fingertips, whenever you need it. Rich in background detail, at-a-glance tables and diagrams, equations, and more, the Passive Solar Architecture Pocket Reference is a handy resource for architects, engineers and students.

Coverage includes:

~ Definitions

~ Load Determinants and Responses (including world wide biomes and climates, building metabolism and responses to soures and sinks, tuning the building to the environment, optimizing insulation and thermal mass for comfort)

~ Contextual Aspects (including microclimate and siting, temperatures, humidity, wind, radiation and comfort parameters)

~ Passive Components (including building envelop, passive solar terminology, orientation, apertures and glazing, thermal storage, thermal controland materials)

~ Design Tools (including sun-path diagrams, sun-peg diagrams, air flow relationships, thermal modeling and life cycle design)

~Specific functions (including passive heating, passive cooling and ventilation, natural lighting, passive water heating, resource collectiona dn integrated design)

Available from Earthscan or the International Solar Energy Society


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